Accelerate campaign execution

Encode’s marketing orchestration software boosts agility and maximizes productivity, freeing your team to deliver a higher business impact.

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A woman excersingA screenshot of the Encode dashboard
Logo of the company Pendo
Logo of the company Pendo
use case

What can Encode Marketing Work Management do for you?

Encode’s marketing orchestration solution provides marketers with detailed visibility to resources and work status.

Encode’s marketing orchestration platform is designed to streamline your entire marketing campaign & content lifecycle

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Manage the marketing activity planning and share with all stakeholders to create full transparency
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Eliminate manual handling across the entire workflow
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Predict and be in control of any changes in the production planning
Showing the Encode dashboard

They have 623,000 items for sale and thousands of suppliers. To sell the products, they need product descriptions, copywriting, pictures, videos, graphics, manuals, marketing descriptions, and so much more. And our main priority is to make life easier for our customers.

Peter Grønbæk
Business Director, Encode

Solve the problem with Encode MWM

What is the challenge?

Teams and partners are not aligned on all plans from request through to execution to deliver meaningful marketing at scale.

What is the solution?

An adaptable platform that is tailored to you unique marketing and creative operations’ needs - not the other way around.

What is the outcome?

Reduce time to execute by 50% and significantly increase the quality and quantity of content that can be activated without adding more resources.

Showing the Encode dashboard

You can manage marketing budgets

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Establish global marketing objectives and ensure alignment of all projects to corporate goals.
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Ditch the messy budget spreadsheets and remove planning silos
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Track budget health with clear visibility into the actual spend on individual marketing initiatives

You can visualize campaign plans

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A single global view across all planned and in-flight campaigns with updates in real-time
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Provide visibility of all campaigns and activities across teams to encourage collaboration
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Monitor campaign progress at-a-glance within the calendar, or drill into supporting activity
People in a business meeting
A screenshot from the Encode app

You can manage complex, global marketing projects

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Centralise briefs — ensuring team members are aligned on priorities and ready to meet deadlines
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Track response and resolution times for requests against goal KPIs to evaluate performance
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Identify roadblocks and improve future workflows and processes

You can collaborate on content, creative & campaigns.

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Markup video, HTML, PDFs, images, and other formats with drawings, highlights and comments
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Fast comparisons between different versions to view differences
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Share with all stakeholders to create full transparency
Showing the Encode dashboard
A woman excersing

You can maintain total control of your brand

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Secure efficient brand distribution - smooth distribution of assets from platform to user.
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Protect brand identity - pre-defined assets are always on-brand and accessible from one place. ,
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Streamline processes to unify the entire marketing team

You can measure and optimise your strategy

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Real-time visibility into forecasts, what’s already been spent, and what’s remaining,
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Track the effectiveness of each marketing activity and adapt campaigns and workflows as required
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Easily shift budget to the highest performing initiatives
Showing the Encode dashboard

See what Encode can do for you

Our in-house experts can walk you through everything you need to know.

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